Allegedly The Head of The District Health Office. Bengkalis Fires Beard on Mandiripos.Com Reporting

Jakarta, – Regarding the media which criticized the findings of the BPK Riau Province with Number 141A/LHP/XVIII.PEK/05/2022 dated 17 May 2022 concerning Delayed Funds that must be returned to the State Treasury or Regional Treasury, namely Project Implementation Fineswhich was allegedly not completed according to the contract valued at approximately Rp. 43 million.

Mor Regarding the reports on the media, the Legal Counsel for the Head of the Bengkalis Regency Health Office, Riau Province, sent a Right of Reply or Objection which was deemed inaccurate. where the Kadinkes Legal Counsel alleged that Media carried out one-sided reporting without first confirming the news to the Bengkalis District Health Office.
Right of Reply and Objection Legal Attorney for Kadinkes Kab. Bengkalis was suspected of being careless, who accused Media of not first asking for confirmation from the Bengkalis Regency Health Office.

even though it was quite clear in the news on May 30 2023 and it was explained there, that the Forkorindo DPP Institute together with the Creative Print and Online Media Alliance had sent a Letter of Clarification and Confirmation for the Forkorindo NGO and the Print and Online Media Alliance for Work Number:385//XXV/KLARIF/LSM DPP-FORKORINDO/ALIANSI-MEDIA/V/2023 to officials or PPTK and PPK.only explaining that it was being followed up, not having returned the funds of more than Rp. 43 millionbut did not answer.

Never even explained that the return of funds to the Regional Treasury, as the Bengkalis Health Office Attorney called, had returned the money to the Regional Treasury, but it was very unfortunate that the Health Office Legal Attorney did not attach evidence of Returning Funds to CashThe area, so it is not clear what date and month it was returned, is still a question mark.

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Chairman of the NGO Forkorindo Tohom. TPS. SE.SH.MM question, whether after the publication of the news on May 30 2023 it was returned to the Regional Treasury of Riau Province or to the Regional Treasury of Bengkalis Regency, it is not clear, because it seems that the District Health Office. Bengkalis and his attorney seemed to be keeping the refund a secret.Therefore, the results of the meeting of the Editorial Board with the NGO DPP Forkorindo and the Alliance for Print and Online Media Work requested that the Head of the Bengkalis District Health Office re-read the news carefully, so that it can be understood and no longer accuses the news of being one-sided.

On the same occasion, the Chairperson of LKBH (Legal Aid Consultation Institute) NGO Forkorindo, Chengly Malau Gurning. sH spoke about the existence of a subpoena received by the Mandiri Pos Editor in Chief, a member of the Alliance for Print and Online Working Media, which has been the parent of the NGO Forkorindo, both LKBH, clearly in accordance with Lawyers’ SOP. If making a subpoena, you should attach a power of attorneywhich has been signed by the Head of the Bengkalis District Health Office.Meanwhile, the Mandiri Pos editors did not receive the attachments, only the first and second subpoenas whether this was a weapon to frighten social control was carried out, it was clear that all members of the Creative Print and Online Media Alliance did not accept the letter that had been sent by legal advisersHead of Bengkalis District Health Office without a valid power of attorney.

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Then the editor never justifies (judges) in the news, always writes that the presumption of innocence is very clear in the news and every presentation of the news remains in accordance with the writing norms without discrediting anyone. always respect the journalistic code of ethics contained in Law no. 40 of 1999. (Editor)

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